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Psalm 49

Psalm 49 teaches us the value of eternity.

Click below to listen to the weekly prayer or right click here to download the audio version.

See below video for the full text version of the January 20th Weekly Prayer for Israel.

Psalm 49 – Full Text for the Weekly Prayer

Psalm 49 teaches us the value of eternity. It opens with a message for all mankind:

Hear this, all you peoples; hearken, all You inhabitants of the earth.

Why should I fear in days of misfortune? The iniquity of my heels surrounds me.

The Psalm is teaching a universal message, especially for people who find themselves in situations of distress.

Those who rely on their possessions and boast of their great wealth,

In their heart, their houses are forever, their dwellings are for every generation; they call by their names on plots of land.

Like sheep, they are destined to the grave; death will devour them, and the upright will rule over them in the morning, and their form will outlast the grave as his dwelling place.

Fear not when a man becomes rich, when the honor of his house increases,

For he will not take anything in his death; his glory will not ascend after him.  

The Psalm’s message is clear: you can’t take it with you. Not the physical things, at least. The Psalm is providing guidance to anyone and everyone who may have wanted more belongings than his share, or who mistakenly put material belongings ahead of personal spiritual development.

If someone perceives personal misfortune, he needs only to look at the big picture and realize that his misfortune is really very fortunate. It prevents him from losing sight of his priorities, it allows him to look to Israel, and it encourages him to seek true, meaningful value in life.

Tehillim – Psalms – Chapter 49

1. For the conductor, by the sons of Korah, a song.

2. Hear this, all you peoples; hearken, all You inhabitants of the earth.

3. Both the sons of “adam,” and the sons of “ish,” together rich and poor.

4. My mouth shall speak wisdoms and the thoughts of my heart are understanding.

5. I will bend my ear to a parable; with a lyre, I will solve my riddle.

6. Why should I fear in days of misfortune? The iniquity of my heels surrounds me.

7. Those who rely on their possessions and boast of their great wealth,

8. -a brother cannot redeem a man, he cannot give his ransom to God.

9. The redemption of their soul will be too dear, and unattainable forever.

10. Will he live yet forever and not see the Pit?

11. For he sees that wise men die, together a fool and a boorish man perish, and leave over their possessions to others.

12. In their heart, their houses are forever, their dwellings are for every generation; they call by their names on plots of land.

13. But man does not repose in his glory; he is compared to the silenced animals.

14. This is their way; folly is theirs, and after them they will tell with their mouth forever.

15. Like sheep, they are destined to the grave; death will devour them, and the upright will rule over them in the morning, and their form will outlast the grave as his dwelling place.

16. But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, for He shall take me forever.

17. Fear not when a man becomes rich, when the honor of his house increases,

18. For he will not take anything in his death; his glory will not ascend after him.

19. Because in his lifetime he blesses himself, but [all] will praise you, for you will benefit yourself.

20. You shall come to the generation of his forefathers; to eternity they will not see light.

21. Man is in his glory but he does not understand; he is compared to the silenced animals.

This is the Weekly Prayer for Israel from Ariel, the Capital of Samaria.

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